Baliet County

Area Assessment in Baliet County of Upper Nile state.
Areas of Assessments:

Data Analysis:

To pave way for data analysis, data collection was done using tablets belonging to SDI.
We used mobile data collection platform which was accessible offline during data collection and uploaded into the server following connectivity to internet connection Data was analyzed through a mix of Microsoft Excel, SPSS and content analysis to generate findings and discussions based on key themes focusing on Peace Building and Protection (CP and GBV).

Below is a highlight of key findings by sector (Safeguarding and Conflict resolution, CP & GBV):

Peace Building and Safeguarding

Seventy-five percent (50%) of Men and Women are facing conflict due to scarce resourcing and rampant inter-clan conflict as well as conflict with the neighboring communities.
Gender lens is critical in understanding the drivers of the crisis as well as in developing recommendations.

Gender Based Violence

An estimated 28.6% of the respondents said that there is an increase of sexual violence for
In the past one year, this data is also supported by the protection safety audits findings
conducted recently on the effects of COVID‐19 to Baliet (Nyongkuach, Adong and Kuel
Payams). Occurrence of sexual violence frequently happened while women were collecting
fire wood in the bush and forest, while working in the fields, during armed attacks, while
collecting water, during population movement, common places like toilet and common
bathroom in the camps, while at home and on their way to the market, town, and schools.

Child Protection

Eighty-three percent (83%) of children in Baliet feel safer when they are at school.
In Baliet, lack of infrastructure and school feeding program that motivates children to stay
in school kept out children from school and this was followed by security and safety concerns
and early pregnancy amongst adolescent girls.