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Provision of capacity building and strengthening to our partners which includes NGOs, CBOs, government institutions and private entities.
Promote appropriate technological solutions to improve living conditions of rural communities targeting individual households while having least effect on the environment.
that can supply essential health services to communities to improve women’s and children’s health e.g.bicycle & motorbike ambulance, household bios and water filters, solar briefcase to light child delivery, those used in waste management, food safety, hand washing, etc
alternative building construction like use of stabilized soil blocks for sustainable shelter for cost effective housing and environmental conservation.
reduce time and labor for land tilling, firewood collection and water fetching e.g.hippo water roller, backyard woodlots, roof or canvas rainwater harvesting.
appropriate technologies that are less costly, time saving, wood/biomass saving, less emission e.g. different types of improved cook stoves, solar lighting – sustainable energy.
Promote appropriate technological solutions to reduce drudgery and improve rural production and diversify livelihood, reduce post-harvest losses and increase value addition for improved income.
appropriate technology that reduces labor burden and increase productivity – in land preparation, sowing and fertilizing, pest control, harvesting, water lifting, livestock care, beekeeping – leading to improve food production – focus on agriculture techniques, plant and breeds and any other appropriate tools and resources e.g. use of ox ploughs and carts.
identifying and promoting adoption of cost effective appropriate postharvest loss reduction and value addition technologies at household or at small women cooperative level e.g. the zero evaporative coolers, metallic drum silos, solar dryers.
Promote appropriate technological solutions to reduce drudgery and improve rural production and diversify livelihood, reduce post-harvest losses and increase value addition for improved income.
This involves processing animal products, honey, fruits and vegetables to make a number of products. The products so far made include yogurt, honey, juices, jams, sauces, pickles, nectars, wine, starch, dried fruit & vegetable.
Prospective entrepreneurs are trained in various aspects of animal products, honey, fruits and vegetable processing. These include processing and preservation, quality management, product development and agro processing business management.
Various business entrepreneurs to receive technical assistance in form of training, technology transfer (equipment) and facilities provision and linkage to finance and market.
Promote appropriate technological solutions to reduce drudgery and improve rural production and diversify livelihood, reduce post-harvest losses and increase value addition for improved income.
Procure, through a range of networks, appropriate technology equipment, tools and products for sale; provide skills training and after-sales advice and maintenance for users.
Network and organize the rural producers, provide technical and managerial inputs to the rural enterprises and link up with local/regional/national agencies for technical, financial and marketing support, assistance and collaboration.
Establishment of organizational structures in rural locations for transfer of appropriate technologies, better management and marketing facilities for increasing rural prosperity. Transfer of need-based appropriate technologies through training programs, demonstration, dissemination, propagation and popularization with active community participation.
Dissemination of technological information of relevance through leaflets, brochures, bulletins, booklets, newsletters, CDs, films, Internet and other audio-visual aids.
We work in the domain of promoting sustainable access to quality health and education solutions, appropriate safe water and sanitation technologies, sustainable agriculture/agribusiness livelihood technologies, environmental and management innovation.
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